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Richman Law Firm Richman Law Firm
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Case Results

  • Child Molestation Investigation Dismissed Police and DA Dismiss Investigation

    I represented an FBI agent who was falsely accused of child molestation. When he called me, the case was already being investigated by the FBI and a local police agency in Georgia. We immediately contacted the officers to collect more information and began interviewing witnesses–my client’s close friends, people who knew the child, and other medical professionals who had knowledge of the child.

    The statement by the child was vague, lacked details, and contradicted observable facts. No physical evidence supported the claim. Yet, as always, the Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS) got involved and intervened in my client’s life and family.

    The case took about a year to investigate. During that time, and after interviewing a number of witnesses, we were able to prove the claim was made up. We saved our clients life, career, and family.

    This case is a strong example of why you should contact a lawyer immediately after an allegation is made against you or the police want to speak with you. As your lawyers, we can speak for you and aggressively begin to collect information and evidence in your case.

  • Federal Charges Dismissed Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering

    This case involves allegations of money laundering (upwards of 8 million dollars). This happened in Forsyth County, Georgia in 2022-2023, but was heard in the Memphis, Tennessee Federal Court (Western District of Tennessee).

    My client was investigated for accepting money illegally from a third party, opening up a bank account, and depositing that money into the account. The third party would then withdraw the money. This was alleged to have happened hundreds of times, which deprived businesses in the Memphis area of millions of dollars. The third party involved in this case had been a party in other cases. After I entered the case and met with the FBI and the United States Attorney, the potential charges were dismissed. My client was never arrested.

  • No Charges Pursued Child Pornography

    This case involves allegations that my client downloaded and traded images of child pornography using his cell phone, Discord, and other social media services. This happened in Forsyth County, Georgia and was investigated by the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office.

    My client is a college graduate. He was approached by law enforcement related to an ongoing investigation into child pornography (approximately 7 images). There had been images flagged by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). A search warrant was executed at his house and the police left with two of his cell phones. Before the officers left, they asked for, and were given, the passwords to the phone.

    We got immediately involved and revoked any consent to search the cell phones. We were then able to convince the officers our client was not involved in this type of crime.

    After more investigation, the officers closed this case and my client was not arrested. We saved his life.

  • All Charges Dismissed Child Molestation Case

    This case involves allegations of sexual abuse against a three-year-old boy by his non-blood-related uncle. The uncle was my client. This happened in Dawson County, Georgia in 2024. The judge was Judge Jason Deal and Judge Lindsay Burton.

    In March 2024, the mother brought the child to Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital due to complaints of pain in his butt. During the examination, the child disclosed that his uncle had touched him inappropriately. Following this report, an investigation was launched. Dawson County Sheriff’s Office interviewed the child, who provided further details of the alleged abuse, and collected evidence. The child saw a nurse, who said he was sexually assaulted. The officers interviewed my client who denied everything. Yet, he was arrested and subsequently indicted on charges of Aggravated Child Molestation and Aggravated Sodomy. Each charge carries a life sentence in prison.

    After our investigation was completed, we discovered the forensic interviewer had lied in her original report. We also found text messages between the mother and father of the child, which were exculpatory and very helpful to my client. In the end, we were able to prove the child may have been coached.
    All charges were dismissed.

  • Warrant Dismissed Probation Violation
    I received a call from a mother whose son was in jail for 45 days. Over the 45 days, he did not attend a hearing for his arrest and was not assigned a public defender. His arrest occurred because both a warrant and his probation officer said he failed a drug test. As a result of this alleged probation violation, my client was being held in jail until a judge could sentence him to prison. Immediately after we received the call, our firm began investigating the allegations against our client and reviewed the so-called “positive” drug test. Based on our finding, the probation officer did not follow the proper protocol when he administered the drug test. In fact, after the test was sent to an independent crime lab, the results came back negative! The warrant was dismissed and my client was released from jail the next day!
  • Dismissed Suspended License
    My client was arrested in DeKalb County, Georgia for driving on a suspended license. Unfortunately, the Gwinnett County, Georgia court did not enter her previous speeding ticket into the system correctly, which wrongfully suspended her license. Despite my client’s insistence that the suspended license was a misunderstanding, she was arrested. Once we were hired to handle the case, we made the decision that we would fight the suspended license charge. We were adamant that nothing less than a dismissal would be acceptable! After speaking with the Department of Driver Services’ (Georgia’s DMV office) legal department, I was able to have them correct my client’s driver’s record. With this information in hand, I contacted the prosecutor assigned to the case and was able to get the charges dismissed.
  • Dismissed Temporary Protective Order (TPO) Against a Police Officer
    Sometimes the law is not on the side of those who vow to protect and serve. Sometimes even police officers need assistance from defense attorneys. I was honored when my client, a police officer, hired me to handle a temporary protective order case on his behalf. His ex-girlfriend said he punched her in the mouth, threw her on the ground, held a gun to her head, and fired multiple shots in front of her. Outrageous claims that, if true, could send him to prison and would end his law enforcement career. We arrived for trial at the Forsyth County Superior Court. Despite our client’s innocence, we tried to negotiate with opposing counsel, but his client refused our requests. So, we fought. After a full day in court, the judge ruled in our favor and dismissed the TPO. My client was able to get back to work, and can now move on with his life.
  • Dismissed DUI
    My client was stopped by police officers in Lumpkin County, Georgia. The officers smelled alcohol coming from her breath and noticed she was slurring her words and stumbling. They made her perform “field sobriety tests” to ensure she could properly drive a car. They also made her blow into a preliminary breath test, which detects the presence of alcohol in a human body. As a result of these tests and observations, the police officers arrested her for DUI. My firm conducted an extensive investigation into the arrest, and discussed the results with the prosecutor. Based on the facts we presented to the prosecutor, the State of Georgia completely dismissed the DUI.
  • Reduced Felony Battery
    Police officers arrested my client for committing a domestic violence battery against his girlfriend, based on a statement given to the officers and noticeable signs of injury. Without Miranda warnings or probable cause to enter the residence, officers barged into my client’s home and spoke to him. My client told the officers he acted in self-defense, but was arrested anyway. He, too, had visible injuries. The plea offer given to my client by the prosecution included him entering a guilty plea to a felony charge with one year in jail, followed by four years of probation. Following our firm’s investigation, we proved the argument did not happen the way the police officers said it did, and we were able to get my client’s charges reduced to misdemeanor with absolutely no prison time.
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