I represented an FBI agent who was falsely accused of child molestation. When he called me, the case was already being investigated by the FBI and a local police agency in Georgia. We immediately contacted the officers to collect more information and began interviewing witnesses–my client’s close friends, people who knew the child, and other medical professionals who had knowledge of the child.
The statement by the child was vague, lacked details, and contradicted observable facts. No physical evidence supported the claim. Yet, as always, the Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS) got involved and intervened in my client’s life and family.
The case took about a year to investigate. During that time, and after interviewing a number of witnesses, we were able to prove the claim was made up. We saved our clients life, career, and family.
This case is a strong example of why you should contact a lawyer immediately after an allegation is made against you or the police want to speak with you. As your lawyers, we can speak for you and aggressively begin to collect information and evidence in your case.