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Girls Do Porn Owners Charged with Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking


On October 10, 2019, authorities charged Matthew Wolfe, Ruben “Andre” Garcia, Michael Pratt, and Valorie Moser with crimes involving pornography website Girls Do Porn (GDP). Along with the charges of sex trafficking and sexual assault, another charge has now been filed that includes child pornography.

Authorities took Matthew Wolfe, Ruben Garcia, and Valorie Moser into custody. However, the primary owner of GDP has left the country and some believe him to be in New Zealand.

Twenty-two women have stepped forward with the claims that the suspects coerced and lied to them when they all answered Craigslist ads calling for models. The suspects told each woman that they would be doing pornography but that producers would release the video in other countries and through DVD only.

When each video appeared online, not only were the women in shock about the release, but they realized the GDP owners and operators also released private information. This information included social media networks where fans harassed the women and shamed them. Some of the women who have made the claims had suicidal thoughts, have withdrawn from college, and have closed all social media accounts.

Along with the sex trafficking charge, authorities also charged Ruben Garcia with the sexual assault of several of the women. All named Jane Doe, each woman has come forward with a similar story of rape by Garcia. Information from the prosecuting attorneys states that Garcia was not worried about DNA results because he was part of the ongoing GDP process.

Authorities have added the sexual assaults connected to GDP to the federal indictment. This indictment claims that Garcia “pressured them to engage in activities outside the scope of what they agreed to do, and when they protested, Garcia and others threatened them with economic repercussions.”

The indictment also claims that Garcia assaulted them before or after the filming of pornography. One of the three women involved as a key part of the federal case claimed that Garica also assaulted during filming. After she saw that her blood was on the bed from filming, she attempted to leave, saw that the lighting equipment blocked the exit, and felt as though she was not free to leave nor was she free to stop “filming.”

After the filming was over, she accepted an offer for a ride to her car from Garcia where he climbed on top of her, removed her underwear, and forced himself onto the woman without her consent.

The woman said it embarrassed her to report the incident for fear that people would find out about the video she made.

In June 2019, prosecutors filed a motion against Garcia stating that he assaulted Jane Doe Nos. 2, 11, 14, 20, 21, and 22 off-camera. This motion also alleges that Garcia assaulted others who are not plaintiffs in the case.

Brian Holms, an attorney for all Jane Does, wrote, “Garcia has no fear of his DNA being found using a rape kit because his DNA is already present by virtue of the video being filmed earlier that day or the day before.”

Matthew Wolfe, Ruben “Andre” Garcia, Michael Pratt, and Valorie Moser are all viewed as felons in the state of California. Michale Pratt, not a citizen of the United States, left in September 2019 during an ongoing civil suit and authorities believe he is back in New Zealand. No one knows if he will come back or be brought back to stand trial.

To read the indictment, click here.

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